Doctor of Professional Studies - 教学设计 Leadership
Credit Hours
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Next Start Date
Jan 8, 2024

Elevate learning experiences with a doctorate in 教学设计

Learning and development is a $165 billion annual industry, giving 教学设计 professionals much more prominence as both leaders and educators. Consistent, 集中, professional development under the watchful eye of learning executives and consultants is leading to the creation of advanced cultures of inspiration and deeper senior leadership competencies. 在教室里, learning and development instructors are helping advance the way learning professionals research, understand and apply concepts and theories to the real world.






Finish your DPS faster -- including one year for your dissertation.







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创新专业发展. 转变学习和绩效.

作为一个行业,学习和发展正在蓬勃发展. 事实上, 每年花费超过1650亿美元(更不用说成千上万的工作时间), learning and development is taking its rightful place within organizational hierarchies.

As a result, 在领导和教育层面,教学设计专业人员的需求越来越大.

学习管理人员和顾问, for example, are being asked to bring more focus and cohesiveness to organizational development needs; to facilitate and exponentially expand knowledge transfer; to further develop senior leadership competencies; and to create advanced cultures of inspiration.

Learning, 设计和技术教育者, 太, 被要求做更多的事情吗, 包括推进研究, 理解和应用发现, 学习和参与.

Hone your expertise at a renowned intersection of theory and practice

When it comes to curriculum design and development we practice what we teach. 通过十大正规赌博平台大全排行教师的奖学金和领导, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的国际创新教学机构在解决学术和专业环境中的现实学习挑战方面建立了声誉. 从政府机构和K-12学校到高等教育和行业领先组织, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行在世界各地的合作伙伴都能从十大正规赌博平台大全排行教师的应用知识中获益,你也会受益.  

该研究所还设有十大正规赌博平台大全排行教育学院 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的教学专家与近200所合作学校的合作教师合作,指导有抱负的K-12教师. 


作为DPS项目的学生, you’ll benefit from our faculty members who are scholars, 他们是各自领域的领导者和杰出的研究人员. With knowledge that spans traditional and corporate learning, you will find them to be invaluable partners and 导师s on your doctoral journey. 

  • Dr. 李阳, DPS项目主席, is a Fulbright scholar with research interests that include quality of online education; effectiveness of online teaching and learning and 基于游戏的学习. 
  • Dr. Matt Barclay 是否获得多项研究资助. 主要研究方向为教学设计, elearning, 真正的学习, 以及人类表现的改善. 
  • Dr. Joel Gardner, assistant dean of 教学设计, is a Fulbright Specialist. His research interests include instructional theory and first principles of instruction. 
  • Dr. Natalya Koehler is an 教学设计 faculty with expertise in mixed 方法 research. Her research interests include online STEM education and interactive multimedia. 


Because people are inherently an organization’s most valuable asset, employers are continuing to demand more from their human capital investment. 全球竞争等力量, 科技发展, 工作更专业化, and a rise in knowledge-based industries have driven the need for a more educated workforce.

从口头和书面能力, 以技术和技术能力, 提高人际交往能力, 雇主需要有远见的领导者, direct and provide the kind of human capital development that aligns with company goals, transforms corporate culture and moves an organization forward.

Such leadership doesn’t come readily or routinely – instead, 它需要最高水平的熟练程度. 这就是为什么十大正规赌博平台大全排行是第一所也是唯一一所提供教学设计和领导力专业博士学位的非营利性高等教育机构. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的终极学位可以让你变得聪明, relevant connections between classroom learnings and real-world development effectiveness.

A practitioner-oriented education like Franklin’s differs from a research-based degree. 而哲学博士或Ph.D. 教学设计注重学科内理论研究的实质性进展, 像十大正规赌博平台大全排行的应用博士学位 transfer-friendly 教学设计领导专业研究博士, focuses on knowledge expansion within the discipline combined with knowledge application in the real-world setting.


十大正规赌博平台大全排行的教学设计博士课程加强了质量研究的核心技术方面, yet also equips you with such sought-after skills as leadership, communication, 教学设计与培训. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的应用博士学位是一个实用的学位,使学科掌握和领域应用. That means you’ll be prepared to apply doctoral-level research and problem solving to complex, 现实世界的挑战.

Franklin’s applied Doctor of Professional Studies in 教学设计 Leadership is a program designed to help you:

  • 应用研究,以影响业务绩效
  • Design and develop advanced curricula and instructional 产品s
  • 评估和完善自己的领导能力
  • 把自己区分为优秀的表现者或教育家


通过十大正规赌博平台大全排行的DPS项目, you’ll focus on progressive and advanced approaches for designing effective, 变革式学习与教学. You’ll also examine applicable frameworks and implementation strategies for such learning environments as e-learning, 混合式和混合式学习, 移动学习, 基于游戏的学习, 非正式的和社会的学习. 然后, 根据组织的培训需求, 你将决定, 为什么, how and when to employ one or more of these frameworks and strategies.


有人说知识就是力量. 假设这是真的, 那么组织的成功就可以归功于组织内部的集体知识. 如何以及在哪里发现组织知识, used and stored, 然而, can make or break the organization’s ability to advance, 执行, 繁荣还是转型. For this reason, Franklin’s DPS program equips you with the skills necessary to lead and manage learning at a very strategic level. You’ll not only learn how to identify and meet ever-evolving learning needs, you’ll do so within the context of the organization’s strategic goals.

了解和评估趋势 & technology

Theories come and go, and technology seems to change every nanosecond. The challenge, 然后, 不仅仅是跟上, but also in how to determine which (if any) emerging principles, 观点和产品值得采纳. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行在教学设计领导力方面的DPS, 你将学习如何评估理论, 模型和框架, as well as strategically and tactically incorporate designs, processes and technologies for instruction and learning throughout an organization.


We’ve taken a comprehensive and systematic approach to our online doctoral program, 其中包括以团队为基础的课程开发, 具有博士资格的教师队伍, and student-centered activities designed for the working adult. You’ll receive robust academic support from a variety of resources, 包括一个研究生导师, faculty advisor, 个人图书管理员和同行, as well as the Student Learning Center staff and your Dissertation Committee members. You’ll also enjoy a cohesive and robust graduate culture and cohort. Together, our practice-minded faculty and your fellow students will support, 导师, encourage and keep you accountable to the program – and to yourself. At Franklin, you’re never alone on your doctoral journey.


Want to complete your terminal degree in less than three years? Franklin grants up to 24 hours of prior-learning credit for previous doctoral work. We honor your prior learning and make it easier to get credit for what you already know. Transfer credit can help you earn your applied doctorate degree faster, 以及减少你的总学费.


If there’s such a thing as a no-fear dissertation process, Franklin’s has it. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行特意设计了一个论文结构来帮助你一步一步地完成你的论文, 从你参加这个项目开始. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行还内置了教师指导和指导, and peer-to-peer support so you’re never left to “figure it out” on your own.

在DPS项目中, 你将发展重要的研究技能和必要的写作能力,在实践中发表论文或论文,作为你学习的顶点项目. 你的论文将展示你在工作场所确定一个感兴趣的话题的能力, 提出一个问题的解决方案, 然后在现实世界中检验你的假设.

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DPS Student

在一次对哥伦布的专业访问中, 我有机会参观了十大正规赌博平台大全排行设计和开发在线课程超过20年的研究所. The experience was so impressive that it prompted me to consider the DPS program."


Start dates for individual programs may vary and are subject to change. 请 索取免费资料 & speak with an admission advisor for the latest program start dates.

Spring 2024
Spring 2024
Spring 2024
Fall 2024
Fall 2024

Curriculum & 课程描述

Research Core
888年毕业生 -博士研究导论(1)

博士讨论会旨在建立一个社区,并确保学习者得到支持, motivation and guidance necessary to succeed in their doctoral programs. 这第一次座谈会也将为学生提供博士课程期望的概述, 课程顺序, 博士生支持服务, as well as comprehensive exam and dissertation requirements. 第一次研讨会旨在为十大正规赌博平台大全排行的博士生建立一个学习社区和研究生文化. 博士研讨会将在大学的主校区举行,为州外和国际学生提供适当的在线互动设施.

800年英格 -博士写作 & Research (3)

In this course, students prepare to be active participants in advanced professional and academic discourse communities by practicing the writing and research strategies associated with their chosen field of study. By calling attention to the conventions of research writing, 本课程为学生提供分析工具,帮助他们加入正在进行的学术对话. 学生将分析和撰写各种学术写作体裁,因为他们在学期的过程中发展了一篇文献综述. 他们还将开发他们的演示文稿, peer 审查, 打样, and reflection skills in alignment with the standards of advanced academic study.

MTHD 803 -定量方法导论 & Design (2)

通过本课程,学生将获得定量研究设计和方法的概述. The course starts with successful completion of the CITI training - the protection of human research participants, to move on to an introduction of quantitative sampling designs, 数据收集方法, 实验与非实验设计, 数据分析. 学生将参与制定研究问题或假设的实际动手经验, 讨论重要的伦理问题, 设计抽样方法, collecting data, 分析数据. 他们将学习如何检查有效性和可靠性问题,并将介绍可用的软件进行定量设计. 在课程结束时, 学生将被介绍到研究计划,以获得他们的论文提案所需的指导方针开始.

MTHD 804 -定性方法导论 & Design (2)

Through this course, students will gain an overview of qualitative research designs and 方法. The course starts with an introduction to qualitative approaches. Students will become familiar with the narrative approach, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, 案例研究. 本课程将向学生介绍定性研究方法和设计方面的一些重要作品,并概述该领域的历史进展. Students will gain hands-on experience with observations, 定性数据收集, 以及定性抽样设计. They will also get some introduction in qualitative data analysis, 有效性, reliability, 以及研究人员在定性工作中的偏见. 在课程结束时, 学生将被介绍到研究计划,以获得他们的论文提案所需的指导方针开始.

数学807 -统计学概论(二)

This course will introduce the concepts of descriptive statistics and probability distributions. 主题将包括基本的统计术语, 统计图, 数据的数值摘要, 概率概念和分布, 抽样分布. 本课程旨在让学生将选择的统计软件与上述概念结合起来,并提供解释结果输出的机会.

MATH 810 -应用统计(3)

Applications of statistical techniques and 方法 will be explored, including fundamental statistical tests for central values, variances and categorical variables; regression analysis and general linear model. 重点将是选择和应用适当的统计技术,以及利用一种主要的统计软件解释和报告结果. 本课程还旨在提供许多机会来批判实证研究文章中常用的统计技术.

MTHD 820 -高级定量研究 & Design (3)

这是一门高级的统计学课程,涵盖了多元统计技术中的分析. The course is designed to broaden and deepen learners understanding of advanced statistics in multivariate techniques. 像这样, 介绍了几种多变量技术, 包括它们对特定情况的适当性, analysis, 和解释. The emphasis of the course is on practical application of concepts learnt to given research problems and/or opportunities. 该课程旨在平衡理论与应用,并提供大量应用于实际问题的机会. 学习者还将完成一份研究计划草案,该草案整合了完善的研究计划和程序.

OR MTHD 822 -高级质的研究 & Design (3)

The advanced qualitative research course builds on the knowledge and skills students acquire in MTHD 803 and MTHD 804. This course leads students on an in depth treatment of qualitative research methodology, exploring its theoretical underpinnings and associated 方法 for design, data collection, interpretation, 报告结果. 每个研究阶段都强调伦理. 本课程还将指导学生为他们的论文提案和研究开发方法和数据分析.

OR MTHD 824 -先进混合方法研究 & Design (3)

Through this course, students will familiarize with mixed-方法 research and design. They will gain knowledge on the four different types of mixed-方法: triangulation design, embedded design, 说明设计, 探索性设计. 学生将学习如何根据这些不同的设计类型来概念化自己的研究. They will gain hands-on experience on how to formulate a 研究问题 fitted for a mixed-方法 design, 收集一些数据, and analyze it. They will discuss and learn about challenges and advantages of mixed-方法 designs. 在课程结束时 students will be able to work on their dissertation proposal.

MTHD 815 - Measurement & 规模发展(2)

这是一门实践课程,旨在使学生掌握开发新技能所需的技能和知识, valid and reliable instruments as well as help improve existing ones. In particular, the course looks at the evolution of measurement development, 在不同设置中使用的不同类型的测试, the psychometric properties and the process involved in developing reliable and valid measurement instruments. 该课程包括创建一个可靠和有效的测量,可以很容易地应用于给定的环境和/或领域.

OR MTHD 816 -定性数据分析(2)

The qualitative data analysis course focuses on qualitative 编码, analysis, 以及对研究结果的解释, 并写出定性结果. These skills will prepare students for the doctoral candidacy journey. The goal of this course is to collect readily available text data, work on mapping, 备忘录, 编码, analyzing, interpreting, 写出定性结果.

OR MTHD 817 - Critical & 社会理论(2)

In this course, students will be introduced to the main schools of critical and social theory: structuralism, 后结构主义, cultural theory, queer theory, gender theory, 临界种族理论, 残疾研究, 还有后殖民主义. Students will analyze foundational theoretical scholarship, examine how critical and social theory has developed over time, and consider the ways in which theory might inform their own research. 在整个课程中, 学生将在学期结束时完成简短的论文和一份主要的写作作业.

OR MTHD 818 -研究设计(2)

The aim of this course is for students to learn about and be able to apply key research design frameworks in quantitative, qualitative, 混合方法和方法. In particular, students will learn conditions under which each design and/or approach would be most appropriate and effective. Additionally, students will learn how to formulate 研究问题s, critically evaluate various research designs in order to select a suitable one for a given research problem, develop appropriate data collection and analysis procedures and plans as well as ethical conduct of research studies. 在课程中, students will learn to craft a research propose integrating critical components, 即研究背景, 目的宣言, 研究问题, 理论框架, 研究意义, critical 审查 and synthesis of key literature underpinning the study, 适当的研究设计, 以及数据收集和分析程序.

EDUC 802 -高等教育教学(4)

The course will study the teaching and learning philosophies, 方法, 以及高等教育中的技术. 主题将涵盖学习理论, 教学设计模型, 教学策略, 以及对学生表现的评估. 这门课结束的时候, 学生将发展自己的教学理念和教学单元,展示他们对学习理论和教学设计模型的掌握, selection of proper learning technologies in designing the instruction, and incorporation of appropriate instructional and assessment 方法. In addition, students will also explore faculty 职业生涯s in higher education.

IDL 810 -创新学习环境设计(4)

In this course, 学生将接触到新的和创新的方法来设计有效的学习和教学. 本课程将使学生掌握在组织层面实施的适用框架和策略的知识. Students will 审查 learning environments such as e-learning, 混合式和混合式学习, 移动学习, 基于游戏的学习, 非正式的和社会的学习, to determine the appropriate learning environment based on the learning and training needs of an organization.

IDL 820 -策略评估 & 决策(4)

今天的研究人员, 教学设计领域的领导者和管理者必须能够使用数据来做出决策, 以及影响组织中的其他人. In this course, 学生将学习如何应用相关工具, techniques, theories, 战略评估和决策的原则,以解决学习和绩效需要持续改进的学习问题或学习型组织.

IDL 840 - 教学设计 Leadership Coaching and Consulting (4)

Instructional design leaders often work in a consulting role with both internal and external clients and stakeholders. In this course, students will gain consulting skills in 教学设计. Major topics of the course include: applying doctoral-level research strategies to analyze and evaluate learning and 执行ance problems; communicating effectively with stakeholders; applying consulting strategies and skills; and creating a consulting professional development plan.

Major Electives

16 credits from levels 800-899 in the following subjects: IDL, ACCT, EDUC, MGMT, HRM, HIM, HCM, MKTG, MTHD, PUAD, ITEC.

DISS 9000 -综合考试(一)

This course is designed for students to prepare for, take and complete their comprehensive exam. 对于第一次未能成功通过综合考试的学生,十大正规赌博平台大全排行也会提供补救策略和措施, 在六周的课程中,如果学生选择重修课程,则有机会重修. 2次未通过的博士生,不自动提供第三次参加博士综合考试的机会. Any third attempt will only be considered upon receiving a written petition by the student requesting a final attempt. 根据博士研究院长和学生的博士课程主席的审查,该请求可能会或可能不会得到批准. Students who fail the comprehensive examination two times, or fail the examination three times when a third attempt was granted through appeal, are dismissed from doctoral studies at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行.


DISS 9100 -论文(1-4)

In consultation with the Dissertation Chair and Committee Members, the doctoral candidate will design and conduct research to complete the aims identified in their research prospectus, 提案和IRB申请,或根据主席和委员会成员的建议随后进行修改. 为了获得足够的学分或完成论文以达到获得博士学位的要求,本课程可以重复进行.

DISS 9400 -论文答辩(1)

博士候选人将在实践中完成论文的所有方面,并对其设计进行口头答辩, 方法与发现.






ACCT 840 -高级财务会计(4)

This course is an advanced accounting research seminar in financial reporting. 该研讨会允许您开始实质性的学术研究过程,并正式调查重要的财务报告理论及其对会计师的影响. The seminar will require the synthesis of 批判性思维, analysis, 研究写作与评价. 学生将开发一个关键的可交付成果,涉及财务会计思想的研究计划,然后对其他人开发的文献进行实质性研究. 研讨会的最后一个项目是利用至少一种研究方法制定一份研究就绪的提案.

ACCT 850 -高级管理会计(4)

This course is an advanced accounting research seminar in managerial accounting. 研讨会允许您开始实质性的学术研究和正式调查这些重要理论及其对管理会计师的影响的过程. The seminar will require the synthesis of 批判性思维, analysis, 研究写作与评价. 学生将开发一项关键的可交付成果,涉及管理会计的研究计划,然后对其他人开发的文献进行实质性研究. 研讨会的最后一个项目是利用至少一种研究方法制定一份研究就绪的提案.

ACCT 860 -高级审计(4)

This course is an advanced accounting research seminar in auditing. 该研讨会允许您开始实质性的学术研究和正式调查重要的审计理论及其对会计师的影响的过程. The seminar will require the synthesis of 批判性思维, analysis, research, 写作与评价. Students will develop a research proposal in auditing based on their substantive research into the accounting, 审计与商业文献. The final project in the seminar is the development of a research ready proposal, including an appropriate research methodology that describes an issue, problem or proactive need as documented in the literature, 学生将为之制定公式, 描述并辩护一个合适的解决方案.




EDUC 802 -高等教育教学(4)

The course will study the teaching and learning philosophies, 方法, 以及高等教育中的技术. 主题将涵盖学习理论, 教学设计模型, 教学策略, 以及对学生表现的评估. 这门课结束的时候, 学生将发展自己的教学理念和教学单元,展示他们对学习理论和教学设计模型的掌握, selection of proper learning technologies in designing the instruction, and incorporation of appropriate instructional and assessment 方法. In addition, students will also explore faculty 职业生涯s in higher education.

EDUC 805 -组织资源的领导(4)

这门核心课程的重点是当今领导者和管理者的有效性所必需的最先进的领导技能. The course concentrates on the specific transformational, 仆人式的领导风格, and other leadership competencies and skills necessary for providing sound management of institutional resources, 项目, and 执行ance. Students will apply leadership theoretical underpinnings to real-world cases, scenarios and situations that involve effective and ineffective resource and 执行ance management practices. 本课程侧重于批判性思维和决策在最佳实践中的应用,为当今组织提供高效的领导力.

EDUC 820 - 21世纪的顶尖学校(4)

This course is key for students who have chosen the PK-12 educational leadership focus area that require a solid understanding of 21st Century technological skills as it applies to educational technology (including social media). After establishing a foundation and knowledge base of educational technology, 学生将学习到最新的创新教育技术,这些技术可以有效地用于PK-12教育环境中的学习和领导. Through the lens of ensuring all students in the PK-12 educational setting are college, 职业生涯, and life ready, students will analyze and learn how educational technology plays a vital role in this process. In addition, 学生将分析和评估如何在PK-12教育环境中有效地利用最新的教育技术工具和地区领导. 最后, 学生将分析和评估PK-12教育环境中与使用教育技术(包括社交媒体)相关的当前趋势和问题.

EDUC 825 - Building & 地区领导架构(四)

This course is key for students who have chosen the K-12 leadership focus and must develop expertise and practice in navigating the unique aspects of building and district leadership in K-12 structures. 通过领导力核心开发的变革型领导力概念将在学校层面和地区层面问题的审查中得到利用. Students will be required to define problems within their unique professional situation and apply recognized leadership structures to promote a shared vision and establishes a professional learning community that focuses on the mission of ensuring that all students learn through the development of a culture of collaboration rooted in data based results.

建造于840年 - College & 大学领导结构(四)

This course provides an examination of leadership theories and structures in institutions of higher education. 重点关注高等教育组织的领导理论,为领导实践提供信息, students will develop skills as practitioners in university leadership. 在课程结束时, 学生将能够从多个理论角度理解大学领导结构的结构和功能. 学生将获得对管理的理解, leadership, and administrative roles of academic and student affairs offices in colleges and universities including personnel, 项目的定义, 研究和教学问题, and other functions of academic and programming oversight. 对角色的额外考虑, 责任, and leadership styles required will be examined for different organizational contexts. 通过理论联系实际, the class activities will lead students to develop skills as campus leaders and to empower them to make conscious, 深思熟虑的决定, 利用多个, 有时会产生分歧, 理论框架.

建造于845年 - History of U.S. 高等教育(4)

The purpose of this course is to explore critical, challenges facing American higher education. 这门课程探讨高等教育的历史, with an emphasis on the development of higher education in the United States, 呈现当今直觉所面临的挑战. 它包括访问问题, accountability, 学术自由, financial aid, 州和联邦政府的政策, 不断变化的法律结构, 数字时代的教与学, student issues, diversity, and the influence of business 模型 and values on institutional strategy and practice. This course also covers different educational systems (Community Colleges, 私立大学, and 公共 Colleges) and the critical issues affecting their institutional type. Students will gain an understanding of their 责任, 批判性思维, and explore current issues that affect managers in institutions of higher education. This course addresses interdisciplinary influences on leadership practice within learning organizations and focuses on recent developments that have broad implications for research and practice in educational leadership.




他802 -先进的健康资讯管理(4)

In this course students will evaluate an organizations current health information governance infra-structure and will make recommendations for improvement that will cover the broad spectrum of strategic issues in healthcare including policies, guidelines, standards, processes and controls required to manage and implement enterprise-level information. 学生将研究如何将健康数据和组织信息系统用作医疗保健组织的战略资产, process to manage various risks to the quality of information and ensure its appropriate use.

他810 -高级临床工作流程 & 应用程序(4)

In this course students will evaluate an organizations existing clinical workflows to include a variety of inpatient, 门诊和急诊医疗环境. 课程中的材料包括文档, 审查, mapping and diagramming of clinical workflow information and processes. 学生还将评估并提出建议,以改善病人护理工作流程映射和变更管理, as part of evidence based decision making in healthcare.

他861 -高级医疗保健分析(4)

In this course students will evaluate an organizations existing process of retrieving, analyzing and reporting intelligence to make healthcare decisions. Student will assess and make recommendations for improvement on the techniques of extracting, 将数据从无数的操作数据库转换和加载到企业数据仓库中, as well means to ensure that decision making is based on clean and reliable information. Students will also develop skills for reporting the healthcare intelligence gathered.




HCM 810 -机构、社区 & 全球卫生(4)

This science of epidemiology is essential for projecting the population health needs, and appropriate allocation of public and private resources. 本课程的重点是利用流行病学研究和技术作为组织政策和行政决策的基础. Students will examine the connection between organizational leadership and social health. Students will create and recommend organizational strategies that enhance organizational, community, 全球健康.

HCM 820 -医疗保健政策、法规 & Reform (4)

This course will explore various aspects of corporate, state and federal policy making. Students will examine the impact of existing health policies on healthcare organizations, 提供者和患者. Students will develop skills to influence and change existing healthcare policies. Students will also create and propose a new healthcare policy.

HCM 830 -医疗经济学,资源 & 金融 (4)

本课程将探讨医疗机构中资源和财务管理的重要性. 学生将确定医疗机构的财务状况,并制定战略计划,以维持医疗服务. This course will also explore the various concepts driving healthcare economics. 本课程还将批评组织用品,人力资源和技术的使用.

HCM 840 -医疗保健质量、流程 & (4)改善

This course will examine various aspects of patient safety, 医疗保健领域的质量改进和风险管理. 学生将以提高组织效率为目标,比较和对比几种过程改进模型, patient safety, 服务质量. 学生还将研究推动医疗保健组织质量改进的政府机构.

HCM 850 -医疗保健业(4)

医疗保健领导人, more than ever, are facing challenging opportunities with the changing dynamics of the industry. 在本课程中,学生将探索行政级别的领导者如何使用战略规划来管理复杂的卫生系统, 风险管理和创新的商业实践.

HCM 860 -健康的社会决定因素(4)

流行病学科学和人口健康概念对于处理和预测社区的健康需求以及分配公共和私人资源至关重要. 本课程的重点是利用流行病学研究结果和人口健康数据来支持和帮助卫生保健政策的制定和行政决策. Students will be able to apply these concepts to analyze public health and population health data for epidemics, 慢性健康状况, or diseases to develop data supported strategies as healthcare administrators.




人力资源管理840 -人力资源管理基础(4)

全球的组织都是由一群人组成的,他们共同努力实现包括组织成功在内的目标, 员工成长与贡献, 以及对更大的社区的贡献. 将最成功的公司与那些挣扎求生的公司区分开来的决定性因素是构成员工基础的人. While the Human Resources function has the specific task of planning for and resolving many employee issues and needs, 个别管理者和员工对实现组织的持续成功负有直接责任和责任. 在员工身上投资并开发鼓励员工充分参与的工作环境的组织将在市场上获得竞争优势. 本课程为学生提供了一个学习知识和技能的机会,以提高所有员工在支持组织目标方面的贡献. 学生的研究将分析影响当代组织中这些元素的发展和应用的趋势和问题. Additionally, students will come to understand the benefits afforded to organizations that create, 手艺和保养都很丰富, 让文化.

人力资源管理850 -策略性人力资源管理(4)

战略人力资源管理, students will analyze workforce management processes in light of their strategic importance. This will include an examination of the relationships between traditional human resource functions and the various business functions so that efficiency and effectiveness are balanced and optimized. 学生还将在现在和未来的国内和全球环境中回顾这些过程和关系. 进一步, students conduct research to explore trends within the discipline of 人力资源管理 that have a positive impact upon employee engagement as well as the 产品ivity and profitability of an organization.

人力资源管理860 -领导组织转型(4)

In this course, students will evaluate the process of change as related to the principles and practices of various types of organizations. 学生将对总报酬领域进行研究,以确定是什么影响导致许多组织实施渐进式人力资源实践. Students will apply this learning to examine change processes and techniques used to facilitate transformational change in order to enhance employee engagement and organizational success. 学生还将了解为什么公司应该投资于员工和内部文化的商业案例, 无论所属行业如何, 公司规模和/或收入产生,并应用这项研究来检查促进转型变革的过程和技术.




MGMT 840 -管理理论实践的发展(4)

本课程的主要目标是对管理理论的发展及其在20世纪至今的应用提供一个实质性的概述. 管理概念和结构将在学者的实践模式中进行研究和应用. 本课程将着重于管理思想的演变及其发展对现代管理者和领导者的影响.

MGMT 845 -组织行为学,文化 & (4)有效性

This course is an advanced research seminar in the field of organizational culture and behavior. 研讨会允许您开始实质性的学术研究和正式调查这些重要理论及其对管理人员的影响的过程. The seminar will require the synthesis of 批判性思维, analysis, 研究写作与评价. Students will develop a key deliverable that involves a research proposal in the fields of organizational culture and behavior and 然后 conduct substantive research into the literature developed by others. 研讨会的最后一个项目是利用至少一种研究方法制定一份研究就绪的提案.

管理850 -组织领导(4)

This course addresses historical and current leadership concepts, theories and constructs. An emphasis will be on the application and assessment of transformational, 在21世纪的商业和学术环境中,领导者和追随者为十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供了仆人式和真实的领导理论. 该课程将挑战学生评估自己的领导优势和劣势,并产生一个深入的行动计划,以发展和完善领导能力. 学生将进行实质性的学术研究,以解决和捕捉相关的前沿领导理论工作,并将其应用于课程作业.

MGMT 855 -组织系统视角理论 & 应用程序(4)

This course focuses on the theory and practice of organizations as open and adaptive systems. Students will address the implications of systems theory for organizational sense-making, learning, 创新与转型. 组织作为综合参与者的复杂性将通过研究和演示来解决.

管理860 ——《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》12月号. Making/Innov. (4)

Innovation enables organizational growth and sustainability. 然而, 让公司保持竞争力, 领导者必须理解这些理论, 模型, 以及将相关概念和实践应用于业务发展的框架创新策略, 客户满意度, 市场获取. Conceptually, innovation, 在组织中定义和应用, 在过去的三十年里发生了什么变化. 然而, the 21st-century global business environment offers an opportunity to rethink, 甚至重塑创新及其在新兴数字定义市场和工作场所的应用. 而创新是进化的, even revolutionary relative to an organization's purpose, 产品, and processes, 领导应该探索与创新相关的当代知识和技能,确定是否培养创新文化, 是实现组织目标的必要条件.

管理865 -组织绩效分析(4)

本课程涉及多管齐下的管理方法, lead and assess overall organizational 执行ance in achieving tactical and strategic goals. 指标包括:股东价值, 平衡计分卡, risk management, 系统联调, 人力资源管理, and organizational learning are addressed in this course. 同时,组织绩效理论研究的应用也被纳入到课程中.

MGMT 870 ——道德 & 社会责任(4)

This course focuses on the evaluation and analysis of key ethical decision-making theories and constructs and their direct application and integration in 21st century organizational practices. The role of corporate social responsibility will be explored by assessing the role of organizational leaders and stakeholders with improving the quality of life for individuals and the community.

MGMT 875 - Change Mgmt & 组织发展(4)

本课程侧重于研究和评估领导组织变革活动的关键理论概念和实践. 学生将评估现实世界的情况, 案例和场景,以推荐和证明基于理论的变更管理实践,以确保组织对这些程序的持续接受和有效性. 学生将进行学术研究来探索, 评估和解释当今组织中最先进的变更概念的可行性. Students will assess the role of change agents as key players in the overall change process.



Marketing Focus

MKTG 840 -营销管理中的当代问题(4)

This course is an advanced research seminar in contemporary marketing management. 该研讨会依赖于批判性的调查和分析,作为实质性学术研究的基础,涉及塑造和被社会塑造的当前营销问题. 成功完成本课程后, students will have completed a comprehensive research study proposal.

MKTG 850 - Consumer & 行为研究(4)

This course is an advanced seminar in consumer behavior and market-driven applied research. Readings and assignments will synthesize prior knowledge of consumer behavior, 研究方法, 方法, and theories with critical analyses of how these are used to inform marketing decision-making. 成功完成本课程后, students will have developed a plan to conduct and analyze a research study.

MKTG 860 -市场营销 & 定性分析(4)

本课程是关于在营销过程中使用定量和定性数据的高级研讨会. 本次研讨会圆满结束, 学生将了解市场营销学者和从业者如何在学术和应用研究中使用定量和定性分析, assessment, 以及决策.




MTHD 820 -高级定量研究 & Design (3)

这是一门高级的统计学课程,涵盖了多元统计技术中的分析. The course is designed to broaden and deepen learners understanding of advanced statistics in multivariate techniques. 像这样, 介绍了几种多变量技术, 包括它们对特定情况的适当性, analysis, 和解释. The emphasis of the course is on practical application of concepts learnt to given research problems and/or opportunities. 该课程旨在平衡理论与应用,并提供大量应用于实际问题的机会. 学习者还将完成一份研究计划草案,该草案整合了完善的研究计划和程序.

MTHD 822 -高级质的研究 & Design (3)

The advanced qualitative research course builds on the knowledge and skills students acquire in MTHD 803 and MTHD 804. This course leads students on an in depth treatment of qualitative research methodology, exploring its theoretical underpinnings and associated 方法 for design, data collection, interpretation, 报告结果. 每个研究阶段都强调伦理. 本课程还将指导学生为他们的论文提案和研究开发方法和数据分析.

MTHD 824 -先进混合方法研究 & Design (3)

Through this course, students will familiarize with mixed-方法 research and design. They will gain knowledge on the four different types of mixed-方法: triangulation design, embedded design, 说明设计, 探索性设计. 学生将学习如何根据这些不同的设计类型来概念化自己的研究. They will gain hands-on experience on how to formulate a 研究问题 fitted for a mixed-方法 design, 收集一些数据, and analyze it. They will discuss and learn about challenges and advantages of mixed-方法 designs. 在课程结束时 students will be able to work on their dissertation proposal.




PUAD 840 -跨界别合作(四)

本课程侧重于领导跨部门合作以实现使命驱动型组织的公共政策目标的理论和实践. 学生将评估提供政府和非营利服务的不同合作方式,并评估参与跨部门合作的风险和收益. 学生学习分析方法, 原则性谈判技巧, and best practices for initiating and managing effective cross-sector collaborations.

PUAD 850 - Innovations in Service Delivery and Stakeholder Engagement (4)

The course examines the latest technologies that can be used to improve service delivery, 与利益相关者, 解决问题. Students learn the technologies and best practices for using web-based applications, 电子商务解决方案, 地理信息系统, crowd-sourcing, 社会媒体和其他电子工具使政府和非营利组织更有效率. Ethical, legal, and implementation, aspects of these approaches are assessed.

PUAD 860 -项目评估和政策分析(4)

本课程探讨概念, 工具, 以及评估政府政策的技巧, philanthropic, and social programs to assess the 执行ance of mission-driven organizations. 本课程的重点是评估不同的项目评估方法和应用绩效评估方法, 包括需求评估, logic 模型, 评估设计, 定量和定性评价技术, 道德, and reporting.




ITEC 840 -资讯科技管理及策略(四)

本课程批判性地分析了IT战略实践的现状,并展示了IT战略如何成为竞争性IT管理的坚实基础. Several 工具 and 方法 are synthesized to assess internal and external environments for formulating a strategy, 执行基于环境因素的战略, 改进策略. The course brings the current academic and business literature to the class. It examines emerging IT strategy and management issues such as hyper-automation, AI, 网络安全网格, 任何操作, 以及行为的互联网.

ITEC 850 -资讯科技政策及管治(4)

This course aims to improve 批判性思维 and decision-making skills in the IT policy and governance field. The course brings forth today's complex and cutting-edge computing environment by taking threats, vulnerabilities, 还有网络控制. Course provokes the questions of how the GRC (Governance, Risk Management, Compliance) practices should be applied in today's complex IT environments to make the most out of the cutting-edge technology and how critical assets should be protected from adversarial actions of advanced persistent threats. The course brings various essential processes and services to the table, 包括但不限于供应链风险, innovation, and resilience. 研究论文和讨论作业帮助学生获得相关信息,提高研究水平 & 在该领域的学术写作能力.

ITEC 860 -资讯科技远景及领导(4)

愿景是组织采用的必要条件, implement, 有效利用信息技术. 领导才能实现愿景. In this course, 学生将学习, research, 运用领导概念, theories, and constructs that have been shown to be successful in information technology organizations. 两大主题, (1)资讯科技的愿景和领导, (2) How to choose and benefit from the technology to accomplish the vision, will be delivered in the first four weeks of the course. 这门课很大程度上以研究为基础, presentation, and writing on future trends combined with leading people and IT organizations. 在头四个星期, each student will pick a very recent technology and research and write a paper about it. In the last four weeks, they will present the technologies that they've researched.



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教授主要计划课程, 进行原创性研究, 并教导和测试学生, helping expand their knowledge within a particular subject matter or discipline.


兼职教师 are contingent or contractual instructors who plan lectures, 教授某一研究领域的特定课程, 评估学习成果并为学生提供建议.


Consultants are paid experts who assess a particular problem, challenge or opportunity and provide strategic recommendations for action.


首席学习官创造, implement and oversee learning management strategies and initiatives and align them with human capital development.


首席学术官s are responsible for providing leadership, vision and strategic direction for educational curriculum, 指导和评估.


培训和发展总监领导, implement, 管理和监督学习和发展项目.


培训经理评估培训需求, 定义培训要求, 设计方案并监督实施.


领导或高级教学设计师s assess training needs, 建立学习目标,并与培训材料和产品的专家合作.

学习总监 & Performance

学习总监 & 绩效评估培训需求和差距, drive development strategies and manage training initiatives.


Directors of Talent Management assess learning paths and develop training materials, 工具 and resources to support transformative 执行ance management.



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